Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I've never seen a liberal slant put on a politics article about Texas ... and I've lived there for 11 years. It was interesting to see the New York Times' fairly large spread on Texas today, with an unusual slant. It is about politics, yes, but more interestingly about how diverse Texas is.

We all know Texas is a big state for a candidate to win, shear size alone makes that hard to not realize. But I never really gave it a thought about how many different people candidates would have to please. Granted, the majority of Texans - and I think this aspect was largely neglected in the article - are Republican, but there is still a fight between Clinton and Obama, especially during the primaries. I'd even say the primaries in Texas are more important for the democrats because this is the part of the race that counts for them there.

I'd also just like to point out how long the poor reporter must have spent talking to random "men on the street" to get that democrat eating lunch AND another pumping gas. Unless you're in Austin, self-proclaimed democrats are a little hard to come by.

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